Monday, March 30, 2015

7 Fit-spirational Quotes To Inspire You To Live Healthy

Staying fit and healthy has always been the collective dream of a majority of people. But, how can you start your fitness and weight loss journey? 

A car needs fuel to keep moving. A kite needs the wind to keep flying. A dreamer needs a dream to keep doing their thing. A person needs inspiration to keep going.

Here are 7 fit-spirational quotes to get your health and fitness journey rolling:

#1 Stop wishing. Start doing.

No one ever gets fit or healthy by merely wishing it. Your dreams will happen if you’ll actually start doing something about them. Stop living in your daydreams and start acting on your dreams. You don’t have to start big; you just have to start, period. You don’t have to do insane workouts; you can start with exercises that you’re comfortable with. From there, level up your workout’s intensity little by little.

#2 Be stronger than your strongest excuse.

Excuses won’t bring you anywhere. They won’t even burn your calories. When excuses start to barge in, fight it head on with your dream goals and motivation. The voice in your head that says you can’t do things is a liar. Don’t let your excuses dictate the way you live. Look at your goals more than your excuses.

#3 Every day is a chance to get better.

You are given 365 chances per year to be better every day. Why not make use of these days to do something worthwhile than just lay on the couch and watch movies the whole day? Challenge yourself daily. Each day is a new day to start achieving your goals.

#4 What you eat in private, you wear in public.

Be accountable for yourself. What you do in private will eventually be revealed in public. Start replacing your usual food with healthier choices. Don’t deprive yourself of food; instead, choose foods that are good for you and your body. Say goodbye to junk so you won’t look like one.

#5 It’s not about having time; it’s about making time.

You may be busy with work, school, or other responsibilities, but if you really love your body, you’ll make time for it. You are given 24 hours a day to do every single thing you need to do. An hour a day or even thirty minutes of exercising will bring big changes in your body over time.

#6 Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret.

A tiny piece of gold takes long hours to produce. Your dream body won’t also come off as easy as 1, 2, 3. It takes discipline and hard work to achieve your fitness dreams. It’s better to suffer the pain of discipline than suffer the pain of regret right? Achieving a healthy body is never easy; but if you don’t stop, you’ll get better day by day. Look at your finish line and keep going.

#7 The best project you’ll ever work on is you.

When you eat healthily and exercise regularly, it’s you who’ll benefit. You are not doing these things for other people. Be motivated by your love for your own body. Your journey will never be easy, but it’s for your own good. Start working on your biggest project now – you.

It’s better to feel sore today than be sorry tomorrow. Carry these fitspirational tips with you always, and keep that health and fitness journey going!

If you want a professional to help you attain your fitness goals, click here.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Go Loco with Avocado: 10 Reasons Why It’s Good for You

Go loco with avocado now!
Avocado is more than just a fruit, it’s a super fruit. Numerous studies show the many health benefits eating an avocado can do for you and your body. Avocados are like convenience stores—they’ve got it all for you. 
Here are 10 of the many reasons why you should add avocados to your diet now:
#1 Avocados are impressively nutritious.
Given its incredible health properties, avocado is often termed as a superfood. An avocado contains a wide variety of more than 25 essential nutrients, including 20 different vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. It also contains several beneficial phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione, and lutein.

#2 Avocados help maintain a healthy heart.
The vitamin B6 and folic acid content of avocados help regulate homocysteine levels—levels associated with increased risks of heart diseases. Avocado is also a high-fat food. No, it’s not the kind of fat that you imagine. Avocados are rich in a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. Oleic acid is a “heart-healthy” fatty acid, which is also found in olive oil.

#3 Avocados can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Avocados are rich in beta-sitosterol, a compound proven effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels. Numerous studies have also proven that consuming avocados can regulate LDL and HDL cholesterol, and even blood triglycerides.

#4 Avocados regulate blood sugar levels.
The monounsaturated fats in avocados aren’t only good for the heart, they can also reverse insulin resistance to help regulate blood sugar levels. Avocados are also loaded with a rich amount of fiber. The soluble fiber in avocados doesn’t only contribute to weight loss, it also reduces blood sugar spikes.

#5 Avocados have anti-aging properties.
Avocados contain glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that combats free radicals and toxins in the body. Glutathione supplements are commonly used now by a majority of people to have beautiful, glowing skin. An avocado, aside from being natural, does more than that, it also defies symptoms of aging.

The avocado oil is also even added in many cosmetics because of its skin nourishing ability. An avocado a day may help you grow old, without making you look like it.

#6 Avocados may help prevent cancer risk.
The oleic acid in avocados does more than just keeping your heart healthy. Many studies have shown that it is also effective in preventing certain types of cancers such as breast cancer and prostate cancer. It can also help reduce the downsides of chemotherapy.

#7 Avocados can cure bad breath.
What you take in contributes to the smell of your breath. Avocados cleanse the intestine to rid you of coated tongue and bad breath. This fruit is considered as one of the best natural mouthwash and bad breath remedy.

#8 Avocados increase nutrient absorption.
Taking in nutrients isn’t enough. Our body needs to absorb them as well. Avocados can do the absorption trick for you. Some nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, and carotenoids are fat soluble—meaning they need to be combined with fat in order to be utilized by the body. A study showed that adding avocado or avocado oil to your meal can increase antioxidant absorption by 2.6 to 15-fold. Add an avocado whenever you eat vegetables to make sure the nutrients are absorbed in the body—not put to waste.

#9 Avocados promote eye health.
Avocados aren’t only good for antioxidant absorption; they are rich in antioxidants as well. Two of the antioxidants present in avocados, carotenoid lutein, and zeaxanthin are essential for maintaining healthy eyes. These nutrients even reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration in aging men and women.

#10 People who eat avocados are proven to be healthier.
A survey in the U.S. has shown that avocado consumers were found to be healthier than those who didn’t eat avocados. People who incorporated avocados in their regular diet weighed less, had a lower BMI, and less belly fat than non-avocado eaters.

Aren’t you convinced yet? More than these incredible benefits, avocados are delicious and easy to incorporate into every meal. Avocados are weight loss friendly, heart healthy, eye healthy, et cetera while being incredibly tasty! What more can you ask for in a fruit? Go loco with avocado now!

For more information on how to support your weight loss and nutrition success, click here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

6 Food Hacks for A Sexier You

6 Food Hacks for A Sexier You
Have you always envied your friend who eats tons of food yet never gets big nor fat? Have you always wished you had a fast metabolism like hers?

Take note that your genes play a big part in your body’s metabolism, but you have the power to tweak your metabolic rate.

There are three different body types:

  • Mesomorphs - those with athletic builds
  • Endomorphs - those with bigger builds
  • Ectomorphs - those with very thin builds 

Whether you are born an endomorph, you can still hack your way to a faster metabolism. Here are food choices that could rev up your metabolism naturally:

Kiwis are packed with a rich amount of Vitamin C. Adding 500 mg of this vitamin to your diet can help you burn up to 39% more fat when you exercise. Though, overdosing Vitamin C and reaching the 2,000 mg mark can make you experience unfavorable effects like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Whole grains
Whole grains, like oats, barley, and brown rice, are rich in fiber and take longer to digest. These foods help your body to burn more fat because of the extra effort it needs to break them down than processed grains.

Spice up your meals with capsaicin rich foods like chili peppers. Capsaicin is a chemical compound that has the ability to rev up your metabolism fast. More than that, capsaicin stimulates certain proteins known to break down fat.

Lean meat and protein
Lean meat like skinless chicken, turkey, and red meat are rich in iron. Iron deficiencies can slow your metabolism. To add, foods rich in protein, like chicken or eggs, can prevent overeating by making you feel fuller for a longer period of time.

Green Tea
Drinking several cups of green tea per day is a natural way to raise your metabolic rate naturally. Research suggests that its EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate content can also contribute to a rise in fat and calorie burn.

Not having enough water or being mildly dehydrated, can cause your metabolism to slow down. Water is needed by the body to food processing and conversion of calories into usable energy. Another tip is to drink cold water, cold water forces your body to use more calories in order to warm it up.

No matter what type of body you’re born with, simple dietary modifications and healthy exercise habits can make a big difference in how fast your metabolism can be. Try eating more of these foods and speed up your way to weight loss!

If you’re looking for a nutrition program specifically designed to fit your needs, click here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How to Say Goodbye to Binge Eating

Have you experienced overeating fatty, salty, and sugary foods, especially when stressed or depressed? Do you feel like your problems will only be relieved by eating? Do you turn to food for comfort? Are you desperate to lose weight yet feel powerless to stop eating? Do you feel helpless to say no to food, even when you want to?
If so, you might be suffering from B.E.D. or Binge Eating Disorder. 
What is Binge Eating Disorder?
Binge Eating
You might tend to overeat occasionally especially in eat-all-you-can restaurants or during birthday parties, but binge eating is more than that. Binge eaters overeat uncontrollably and regularly. They tend to eat even when they have just finished their meal or when they’re not even hungry.
Binge eating often leads to significant weight gain, obesity, digestive problems, breathlessness, and emotional and psychological symptoms of shame, guilt, and low self-esteem.
What leads to binge eating?
Binge eating is driven by at least three emotions: depression, anger, and anxiety. Do you remember that time when you were so heartbroken that you finished half a gallon of ice cream? You’re not alone. I experienced that as well!
More than being an eating disorder, binge eating is a psychological disaster. Feelings of depression, anxiousness, and anger lead you to binge. Then you feel depressed, uneasy, and angry about your bingeing, so you binge even more. Binge eating is stuffing feelings down with overeating to shoo away feelings of depression, anger, and anxiety. It is using food as an escape to these negative feelings.
How to say goodbye to binge eating?
Have hope because B.E.D. is a treatable eating disorder, especially with appropriate help, motivation, and support. Here are simple tips to start with:
·        Have control over your emotions. Don’t be a slave of your emotions. Find ways to handle stress and other overwhelming emotions without using food. Overwhelming emotions and stress raise your levels of cortisol prodding you to crave for high-sugar and high-carb foods. Take a break and relax. Engage in meditation and exercises to keep your emotions stable.
·          Don’t skip meals. Stick to small frequent healthy snacks a day. Never skip. Skipping meals often lead to starvation that leads to binge eating later in the day. It raises your hunger hormone ghrelin, making you say yes to every food you see.
·         Stay active. Keep yourself busy with fun activities to distract you from the call of overeating. Stay away from being idle. Read a book. Walk your dog. Exercise. Find a new hobby to be busy with. Staying active counterattacks the call of unnecessary food cravings that leads to binge eating.
·           Don’t keep problems to yourself. When you feel like a surge of overwhelming emotions is coming, talk to someone instead of diving to your refrigerator for food. Turn to family or friends for comfort. It may not be easy for you to open up your feelings at first, but you’ll eventually get used to it. Talking to someone close will lessen the heaviness you feel while overeating will just make you heavy, both literally and figuratively.
·         Get help and support. Have someone accountable for you. Find a solid support network. Lean on your family and friends for support. You can also ask for expert help from therapists or professionals. Saying goodbye to binge eating can’t happen overnight, but having people who’ll constantly walk with you in your pursuit will make it easier.
·          Love yourself and your body. Don’t be hard on yourself. When you binge again, forgive yourself and try and try and try again.

Binge eating is more than an eating disorder, it starts in the mind. To say goodbye to binge eating is to welcome positivity in your life. Take charge of your emotions before they start taking charge of your life and appetite!

Monday, March 16, 2015

How to Reboot Hormones for Weight Loss

Credit: yupiramos on
Losing weight has been a constant struggle for a majority of people. At present, two out of every three Americans are overweight or obese – and the numbers continue to increase.
Have you been one of those trying numerous diets and exercises yet still far away from losing weight? The problem may be in your hormones. Hormones hold the key to effective weight loss
Reboot and balance your weight loss hormones with these simple tips:
Log off from stress.
Have you ever wondered why you are binge-eating every time you are stressed? That’s the result of the adrenal glands’ release of the stress hormone cortisol. When you’re stressed, your high level of cortisol also prods you to crave for high-sugar and high-carb foods. Furthermore, cortisol causes you to accumulate more abdominal fat.
To balance out the fat-storing cortisol, log yourself off from stress. Reduce stress by doing things you love and having some me-time or simply taking a break to relax your mind and body. Keep calm – and you’ll lose weight better.

Shut down and sleep.
More than the ugly eye bags, not having enough sleep can also give you unwanted flab. Lack of sleep lowers weight loss sidekick leptin and increases hunger hormone ghrelin, urging you to eat more food the following day. Leptin is your appetite suppressor, telling you when you should stop eating.
Be sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a day to raise your levels of leptin and avoid leptin resistance. You can also add darker curtains in your bedroom for better sleep.

Restart your exercise.
Get off your couch and start moving. Regular exercise relieves stress and promotes better slumber. Exercise doesn’t only help you burn fat and build muscles, it also counterattacks unnecessary food cravings and binge-eating.
Just get moving regularly through a variety of exercises you can choose from. You can walk or ride a bike to work, walk your dog, dance with friends, or play your favorite sports.

Start eating right.
Have you practiced skipping breakfast with the belief that it will shave you off some calories? That’s a big no-no! Skipping meals raise your hunger hormone ghrelin, making you say yes to every food item you see. Ghrelin is high in the morning after sleeping all night, so it’s necessary to eat breakfast to keep its balance.
In order to keep ghrelin low, you need to eat small food portions every 3-4 hours. It is also recommended to avoid very-low-calorie diets. Eating properly and frequently helps avoid the surges of ghrelin that triggers uncontrollable hunger.

To sum it all up, weight loss literally and figuratively starts from within you. Reboot your weight loss hormones and flaunt your dream body that’s worth an Instagram post!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

CelebriTIPS: 4 Fitness Secrets From The Hottest Female Celebrities

Is your body already beach-ready for the coming summer getaways?
Have you always wondered how your favorite Hollywood superstars and Victoria’s Secret models manage to maintain their beautiful physiques?
Check out this list of fitness celebriTIPS from your favorites and be summer-ready:

Alessandra Ambrosio

Alessandra Ambrosio
Alessandra, a 32-year-old mother of two and a Victoria’s Secret model, is one of the most admired bodies in the world. She sports a 34-25-35 body in countless fashion shows and fashion magazines.

To maintain her to-die-for figure, she combines proper dieting habits, sports, yoga, and the Brazilian Butt Lift workout. One thing she advises is to not skip breakfast – ever! She is actually a foodie and she doesn’t restrict herself from eating. Her food choices usually include eggs, sandwiches, bread, fruits, chicken breast, rice, beans, different kinds of meat, sweet potato, and more – but in moderation. She eats in small portions six times a day. And, in between meals, she takes fruits and protein cocktails. 

Megan Fox
Credit: aznviolaguy on

Megan Fox
Megan credits her sexy and slim figure to a well-balanced diet and resistance training. She eats the right carbs for energy with three meals and two snacks per day. While other celebrities rely on delivered meals, Megan prepares her own food at home, filling them with protein, fiber, healthy fat, with low-sugar.

Her trainer describes her as someone who naturally doesn’t love working out. With that, she does resistance training at least thrice a week with added cardio. To support her diet and exercise, she drinks apple cider vinegar before every meal to rid her body of sugar and water weight. 

Angelina Jolie Fitness Tips

Angelina Jolie
This multi-faceted actress uses a variety of workouts to make sure that she gets her perfect shape. Angelina performs aerobics, yoga workouts, kickboxing, and twisted lunges developed by her personal trainer, Gunnar Peterson. She does pull-ups, bicep curls, squats, and shoulder exercises.

Along with that, her diet contains lots of protein, steamed vegetables, fruits, lots of water, and little amounts of complex carbs. She refrains from taking in red meat and wheat-based food items.

Nina Dobrev Fitness Tips
Credit: DomkaDesign on

Nina Dobrev
The Vampire Diaries Star Nina Dobrev relies on five to six small low carb meals a day to sustain her body from her workouts. She sweats fat out by doing hot yoga three to four times a week. Among all hot yoga kinds, Bikram is her most beloved. She also counts on full body workouts with the supervision of her personal trainer to maintain a strong and beautiful body. Apart from that, she also tries new ways to exercise in her workouts.

Regarding her diet, she balances it off with green veggies, lean protein, whole grains, healthy fats, and low carbs. She also stays away from processed foods that fill in unsolicited calories in the body. She also adds rich protein sources in her diet and snacks on fruits and nuts in between meals. 

Get inspiration from these hottest female Hollywood celebrities and be summer-ready! If you’d like to read useful tips on how to eat your way to fitness, click here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Drop A Decade: 5 Age-Defying Foods to Add to Your Diet

“You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” -- George Burns
Your choice of diet and lifestyle can add years to your life without making you feel and look tired and old. Aging can’t be skipped, but you can choose to age gracefully.
Look and feel a decade younger by adding these age-defying foods to your diet:

Anti-Aging Foods
This little fruit is a great immunity booster and a crucial food choice to help you look and feel younger. A single serving (3.5 ounces) of blueberries contains more antioxidants than any other fruit. Even a tiny piece of blueberry is packed with anthocyanins, a potent antioxidant that can do wonders in promoting cell rejuvenation and in protecting you against cancer and heart disease.

Black Beans
Beans, in general, are superior anti-aging foods. They are rich in fiber, healthy protein, and antioxidants that help slow down the aging process. More than that, black beans reign supreme over any other kind of beans as it contains 40 times more antioxidants than others. That means jam-packed, age-defying magic with every bean.

Green Tea
Hot or cold, green tea is consumed by many because of its outstanding overall health and longevity benefits. The phytonutrients in green tea supports the growth of intestinal bacteria, specifically inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria like E. Coli, clostridium, and salmonella, while leaving the good bacteria untouched, decreasing the risk of digestive health disorders that come with aging. It’s also rich in flavonoids that will protect you against heart disease and certain cancers. Three cups a day is recommended for you to receive green tea’s full benefits.

With aging, bones tend to decrease in density, leading to different bone diseases like osteoporosis. Shellfish are rich in different minerals like zinc, calcium, copper, iodine, iron, potassium, and selenium that promotes healthier bones. The creamy flesh of oysters makes it stand out among any other shellfish. Oysters help build stronger bones and elevate testosterone levels especially in aging men, and protects them against prostate cancer.

The ruby red gem seeds in pomegranates are packed with polyphenols, namely tannins, anthocyanins and ellagic acid that help the skin produce elastin and collagen to reduce the visible signs of aging. On top of that, studies suggest that a glass of pomegranate juice contains more antioxidants and vitamins than red wine, green tea, and blueberries.

Incorporate these age-defying foods to your diet and experience an age-defying transformation like never before!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful: 4 Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care Recipes

With aging, changes in the skin are the most noticeable. As you look in the mirror, wrinkles, age spots, warts, and sagging skin start to appear. This is because aging causes the outer layer of the skin layer to thin, causing increased risk of skin injuries. And as compared to younger skin, aging skin repairs itself more slowly.
“Aging is a fact of life. Looking your age is not,” says Dr. Howard Murad, founder of the Inclusive Health movement. Aging is a part of life that you cannot change, but how you want to look while you age is something you can control. You can be your own kind of beautiful – no matter what your age is.

Anti-Aging Skin Care Recipes
Here are natural anti-aging skin care recipes you can try to achieve younger-looking and healthier skin:

Hydrating Honey Facial
·    1 tbsp. of raw honey
It’s the simplest yet effective anti-aging facial you could try especially in fighting dry and sensitive aging skin. You just need to apply a spoon of raw honey on your face as a mask and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse off and repeat a few times a week.
Honey is a natural rich source of anti-oxidants which makes it perfect for skin aging preventions. It is a natural humectant that locks water into the skin and keeps it moist, soft, and hydrated. It also has antibacterial properties that help reduce breakouts.
Nutty Skin Refining Natural Exfoliant
·    2 whole walnuts, crushed
·    2 tbsp. of yogurt
·    1 tsp. of pure almond oil
Just mix all the listed ingredients together for a skin refining anti-aging recipe. This simple mixture creates a natural exfoliant that’s gentle enough for daily use. Rub and leave it on your face for at least 20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.
The crushed walnuts wash away dead skin, dirt, and oil from your face. The lactic acid in the yogurt refines your skin texture and tightens your pores. And last but definitely not the least, the almond oil acts as the sealant that soothes and moisturizes the skin, leaving it soft and smooth.
Lemon-Agave Age Spot Fighter
·    ½ cup cooked rice
·    1 tbsp. agave nectar
·    1 tbsp. lemon juice
Mix together the listed ingredients and blend well. Apply the mixture to your dry hands and to the back of your hands with circular scrubbing motions for one to two minutes each. Rubbing the rice on the palms of your hands can soften away calluses.
Exfoliating your hands rids off the top layer of dead skin containing the age spots. The rice does the exfoliation, the agave does the hydration, and the lemon does the lightening of the skin and the lifting off of dead skin cells.
Avocado-Honey Moisturizer
·    3 tbsp. fresh cream
·    ¼ avocado
·    1 tbsp. honey
Mix together all three ingredients using a blender and puree into a smooth cream. Gently massage it into your skin and leave it on for at least an hour. Use warm water in rinsing off.
When you age, your skin loses its moisture and starts to dry. A moisturizer is a must for anti-aging regimens. This natural moisturizer helps retain your skin’s moisture and acts as a temporary filler for those unwanted wrinkles. This recipe can make your skin look and feel dewy, and most importantly, youthful.

Try these all-natural and simple homemade anti-aging skin care recipes and be your own kind of beautiful – even in your 40s, 50s, 60s, no matter what your age is!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Intro-juicing Anti-Aging Juicing Recipes

Experiencing aging is like riding a seesaw in life’s playground. It has its own set of ups and downs. With aging comes beautiful memories you wouldn’t want to leave and detestable side effects that wouldn’t want to leave you.

Anti-Aging Juicing Recipes
Though you can’t escape aging, you can befriend it. Through making wise choices in your life, exercise, and diet, you can triumph over aging’s side effects. One healthy and natural way to do that is through juicing. You are just a kitchen away from feeling younger, healthier, and looking more beautiful even with age.

Here are anti-aging juicing recipes you can try to achieve your healthy glow: 

Eggplant Carrot Juice

  • 1 eggplant
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 apples
  • 1 celery stalk

Vegetables that are dark in color, like eggplants, are rich in antioxidants that help slow down your aging process. This fruity-veggie mix also provides antivirus benefits, improves your blood flow, lowers your cholesterol levels, protects your cell walls, and reduce your risks of cancer.

Parsley Energy Explosion

  • 1 large bunch of parsley
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 apple
  • 1 celery stalk

Parsley doesn’t only boost up your energy, it can also oxygenate your blood with its high levels of chlorophyll. This energy explosion also helps you avoid that “old man’s breath” as it serves as a breath freshener. It also helps you look and feel young with its detoxification and energizing benefits.

Red Pepper Beauty Juice

  • 2 red peppers
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 apple
  • 1 broccoli spear

The high amount of carotenoids present in red peppers can improve the look of your skin even as you age while preventing symptoms of arthritis. This beauty concoction also protects your cardiovascular system and reduces your bad cholesterol enabling you to do more in your daily activities.

Parsnip Carrot Juice

  • 3 parsnips
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1 apple

Parsnips are like carrots but are much sweeter. It is also a good source of Vitamins C, folate, and manganese. This powerful rejuvenation combo alkalizes your blood, benefits your weakening eyesight, soothes your nervous system, and prevents you from having skin cancer or melanoma which is most common in women.

Your fountain of youth hides within just a cup of mixed fruits and vegetables. Try adding these anti-aging juicing recipes to your diet for at least 30 days and feel the anti-aging difference!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Know More of What Makes You Happy: Happy Hormones 101

Happy Hormones
You have always been in continuous pursuit of happiness. You are struggling to find your happiness elsewhere.

You may even be going through destination addiction, according to therapist and life coach, Lauren Britt. 

It is a preoccupation with the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job, or with the next partner. 

She even added that until you give up the idea that happiness is someplace else, it will never be where you are. 

Instead of looking elsewhere, why not look inside you? To be truly happy, you have to know and understand yourself better.

Here are some of the happy hormones you’ll be very pleased to get to know and meet:

Oxytocin establishes intimacy, trust, and relationships. This hormone is sometimes referred to as the “bonding hormone,” as it leads you to love, bond, socialize, and build meaningful and lasting relationships with significant people.

New studies even show that oxytocin can make you more sympathetic, supportive, and open with your feelings towards your special someone. What could be happier than that?

Testosterone gives men vigor and confidence in their day-to-day activities. It also increases sex drive and libido which is vital for the enjoyment of physical intimacy with your spouse.

Studies also show that testosterone lowers the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. More than sex, you’ll enjoy growing old together.  Indeed, a happy wife equates to a happy life!

Progesterone elevates your mood and sense of well-being. It also acts as nature’s valium to keep you calm. You can be calm and stay beautiful as it improves your bust line and stops estrogen’s tendency to store fat in your waist, hips, and thighs. This hormone will make it possible for you to wear that keep-calm-and-just-be-happy shirt convincingly.

Serotonin like progesterone, regulates your mood, prevents depression and makes you feel happy. Increased levels of serotonin promote a more positive, care-free, and joyous mode, which is why it is even coined as the “happy hormone.” You can even be someone else’s happy pill if you keep your high level of serotonin. Happiness gets better when shared.

Endorphins make you feel good and act as your knights in shining armor. They are released in times of pain and stress, and act as an analgesic and sedative, weakening your sensitivity to pain. Exercise your way to happiness or laugh your heart out, and release more endorphins!

Dopamine helps maintain your focus. As the “reward hormone,” it motivates you to put your dreams into action and gives you an incomparable satisfaction when you achieve them. Create little versions of your big dreams and release dopamine for day-to-day motivation. Be a go-getter and keep your dopamine flowing!

Most of the things that bring cheer in your life can be found in these hormones. They do so many wonderful things to make you feel happier! Stop pursuing happiness and start creating it!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Eat Your Way to Weight Loss

weight loss
Glossy magazine models and media present health and beauty with clear skin, beautiful hair, and well-sculpted bodies. This made losing weight a desirable goal for most of us, especially those in their midlife.

When we were younger, we tend to eat all the food we like; but, as we age, our metabolism slows down and eating everything we like would not be advisable anymore.

We can eat our way to weight loss by eating clean and healthy. We can eat sumptuous meals without ever feeling guilty. Making small changes in our daily food choices can provide lasting benefits to our weight, our health, and our future. 

Here are some tips on how to lose weight with healthy eating:

Run fast from fast food.
Go for home-cooked meals over fast food meals. Fast food meals are too high in salt, transfats, oils, and artificial additives that often lead to obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Be guilt-free in eating your favorite burger and fries combo by replacing regular French fries with home-cooked sweet potato fries, and portobello mushrooms or cauliflower bread as your burger buns. You can also add your all-time favorite mashed potato exchanged for a yummy and nutritious mashed cauliflower.

Run far away from sugar.
According to a research, sugar is the real culprit in the obesity epidemic. It should be considered a treat and not a diet staple.

Get your healthy sugar from real fruits instead of packed fruit juices, water, and milk instead of sodas, and honey instead of store-bought maple syrup. Swap your ice cream with frozen fruit purees and smoothies.

Go from white to wheat products.
Substitute your white products like flour, bread, and pasta with wheat or whole-grain products. The refined flour used in making these white products lose the bran and the germ, and the essential nutritious components for diet, like vitamins. Consuming a piece of refined bread is the same as consuming a handful of sugar.

Enjoy the fiber and nutrients, without the sugar, by swapping refined bread with pita or whole-wheat bread, white pasta with wheat pasta, flour tortilla with corn tortilla, and other whole-wheat or whole-grain varieties that taste even better.

Walk away from a high-salt diet.
Salt makes your food tasty and delicious, but consuming sodium more than the maximum daily intake of less than 2300 milligrams is harmful. A high-sodium diet can lead to high blood pressure, fluid retention, hypernatremia, cardiovascular diseases, and weight gain. Most processed foods are typically high in salt and additives that contain sodium.

Opt to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables than chips, fresh meats than processed meats, and limit the use of sodium-laden condiments like soy sauce, ketchup, mustard, and salad dressings. Turn to natural herbs and spices to season your foods.

Excess fat, salt, and sugar are the top three hindrances for you to lose weight. These three are good for the body if culled from natural sources and taken in moderation. Say goodbye to unhealthy eating and say hello to your dream body in the making!